Here is a little outline for Saturday. March 29, 2010
Know anybody to send this to?
Dear Friends,
Here are the details for our get-together this coming Saturday, May 29, at the
Hurleyville NY 12747
Pot luck healthy lunch and fellowship at NOON. Vegetarian please. Please arrive a few minutes before noon so we can get started promptly.
We will work with our guides and angels doing healing, empowerment, clearing, and assimilating, and giving and receiving messages. We will take 1 or 2 short breaks during this time to refresh our bodies and stretch and have a quick snack or liquid.
In addition to each of our personal guides and angels, for sure Archangel Michael will be very present (this get-together was his request), St. Germaine, Master Kirael, the Angels of ForGIVEness Elohim... among many illustrious others. Archangel Michael has been extremely active lately with my events... and does a lot of powerful soul healing and clearing when we get together.
Most of the work will be channeled from our guides - and thus tailor made for each person present.
We will practice utilizing and enhancing the gifts we each currently have received, develop trust and confidence in knowing the messages we receive, and learn how to articulate and manifest what we perceive and hear in our quiet times. The Fire element is a purifying, strengthening, refining energy - so whatever we offer will only be thusly improved to serve us in our lives.
There will also be Q & A with the guides.
Each participant can also practice and learn automatic writing, and receiving and transmitting messages from higher source.
The inter-weaving of our energies will be empowering for each participant.
Please begin to set your requests for this holy and sacred time, NOW, as the sooner you set your intentions and prayer, the more active your guides and angels can be in manifesting the answers for you.
Please RSVP your intention to come. Once you are committed, the process with the guides and you begins.
You can also begin to make a list of the gifts you would like to polish, and the problems or blocks (spiritually seen as growth opportunities) you would like to move through to a higher resolution.
It is a time for those of us who have been on the path to be called into more and more service - helping friends, neighbors, family, who are are just waking up. We will discuss and meditate on how we can best and most successfully share our gifts with others at various stages of their awakenings.
Between 6 and 7 we will have our potluck dinner, fellowship and a bonfire if time permits.
The Bonfire will be an opportunity to throw finished energies into the fire, and ask for the support to draw forth and strengthen the qualities, gifts, and energies we are developing for the coming times of the Great Shift - which is now very much in process.
Since all current attendees are planning to travel home Saturday night, we are consolidating the schedule to make it easier for commuters.
Anyone wishing to stay overnight in our of our guest rooms, please bring your own linens. An extra donation is appreciated for the room.
Please bring:
Pure Water
Healthy Vegetarian Food to share
Comfy clothes - blanket if you like... though I think the weather will be warm on Saturday.
Suggested Donation: $125.
As always, no one turned away for lack of funds.
Donations are being used to distribute more copies of The NEW 2nd Edition - Expanded -The little Book of ForGIVEness. New copies will be available at the workshop.
There will also be some health products at member prices for sale.
Please RSVP to
Q May I invite others?
A Yes, if they are inclined to work with guides and angels. Like-minded people will enhance our energetic gathering and magnify our intentions.
Q How do I prepare?
A Set your prayers and intentions now. Come with an open and receptive heart and mind - as best you can.
Q Is this a religious gathering?
A No. It is a SPIRITUAL gathering. Each connects to the higher power as they understand it. Participants are welcome from any or no religion. We will focus on your relationship to the divine as YOU know it and want it to be.
Organize a retreat in your location (10+ people).
Email for details.
Pat Crosby
845.434.3829 US voicemail
ForGIVEness ~ Untangling and unsnarling of our own old twisted patterns, blocks and knots that keep us from moving forward into our birthright of light and love. Releasing and letting go of old past imprints and patterns that do not serve us.
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