Conversation with Aunty Mahealani - Hawaiian Wisdom Keeper - with Pat Crosby - Youtube
Live from the Big Island of Hawaii
Spirit Aloha Aunty discusses Hawaiian forgiveness Ho'oponopono,
ceremony for removing pebbles from the bowl of light,
her lineage,
spiritual wisdom,
fire element Goddess Pele,
Uncle Robert,
releasing trauma-drama,
full moon ceremonies in the triple blessed waters of the warm ponds on the Big Island (her "home office"),
the energy of words and sounds,
the click language of the dolphins and some Africans, t
he eagle-condor prophecies,
the shift,
herself as representing the Fire Island in the Grandmothers Circle,
the importance of song in the weave of life,
how women hold the light,
partnership with ancestors,
trust, aloha, guilt,
King Chief Kamehameha. "We're all paddling in the same canoe, and are reconnecting to love" Beloved 9th generation lineage holder Aunty Mahealani is a teacher and messenger for the spiritual voices of the ancestors within the strong lineage of na kumu, na kahu, and na kahuna (teachers, guardians, priests, priestess/ advisors, and healers) under the leadership of her ancestral Kupuna-Kane (grandfather). This translates as the “backbone strength of the heavenly chiefs.” Aunty changed neighborhoods (died) in 2021 Her celebration of life Aunty's website continues with the next generation This conversation was recorded in 2010.
What a magnificent time to be alive.
Cool Times, aren't they?
Pat works closely with spirit guides.
Each class will be uniquely attuned to the needs of those present.
1 - 4 PM
Love & Light & Healing with the Angels.
Special Healings to help create the New Haiti and the New Earth.
Connecting to and understanding the galactic healings happening on our planet and with each of us right now
We will combine our energies with those all around the world on this DAY OF LOVE to increase the flow of divine love on our planet.
We will consciously hookup with the global meditations happening planetary wide on this day - exponentially magnifying the effect and power of our healing group.
Drawing upon the healing powers of the spirit guides of Lake Titicaca that Pat connected with and now works with after her vision quest journeys to Lake Titicaca, our own guides and angels, and other divine powers we will activate our own heart clearings and expand our capacity to love.
Channeled healing, Q & A with the energies and guides of this magnificent day of cosmic healing.
Introduction to Healing Energies of Peru, Lake Titicaca & Machu Picchu
I FORGIVE mantra
Group Process Work
Self Healing with Golden Particles
Notes from Peru ....Love one Another
Dear Hearts,
Today in Peru, at Lake Titicaca, I spent in Shamanic clearing..... an expected result of the all the incredible energies I have downloaded the last few days here in this doorway of planetary light flooding the planet.
I thank each of you who are participating in spreading this radiance around the planet in its highest vibration of unconditional love and healing to elevate our planet.
My one quick report from the field, is that EACH of us, to be purveyors of love and light and healing, MUST continue to clear our human templates of the drudge of ill-will, hatred, suspicion, judgment, etc, etc.
So many modalities have been streamed onto this planet in the past few decades... such as EMF (Emotional Freedom Technique) and such.
Whenever we catch ourselves caught up in an old reflex of anything other than unconditional love, it is a MOMENT TO HEAL by just turning inward and asking the universe for the tools and help to come to each of us to clear the accumulated soot of planetary garbage out of our hearts, minds, systems.
Though this healing, we can each become stronger vessels for the flooding streams of light to penetrate through the clouds of smog on this planet, and create the new golden age of love and peace we are all working to co-create.
Pat Crosby
Lake Titicaca, Peru

1 - 4 PM
* Setting the boundaries for inter-dimensional communication.
* Creating the Inter-dimensional Opening.
* Invocation of our spirit guides, ancestors, angels, deities, and our divine source.
* Golden prana particle meditation to clear, cleanse, and expand our connection to source.
* Meditation as we connect with our guides.
* Guided Meditation and Group healing with our guides.
* Journaling our experiences.
* Q & A.
* Group sharing and discussion to clarify, ground, and comprehend our experiences.
The Incan and Aymara elders selected Feb. 14th (Valentine's Day) for the ceremony to Activate the Solar Disk at Lake Titicaca. The cosmic ceremony heralds the physical re-emergence into the earth's atmosphere of those called The Children of the Sun. These are the ones destined to usher in the golden age of peace and harmony on earth.
On Feb. 14th, we will be present with people from all over the world who have been called to Lake Titicaca to hold sacred the energetic frequencies of the New Earth. All the ancient prophecies point to these powerful times. They tell us that the Light of the Sun (Son) will return to earth, opening the hearts of the global family.
We ask you to join with us on Sunday, Feb. 14th in your services, your meditations, your practices, or in groups and hold sacred this day. Using the imagination, see yourselves entwined with thousands of us at Lake Titicaca. See the sacred fires being lit as the many elders and shamans perform ceremonies that call in endless blessings of spirit for the entire planet. See the web of humanity opening heart centers to the Source of All. Feel divine wisdom and love pouring through the portal that is being opened. Imagine all of us holding sacred space and activating loving joy into our own heart centers. See an infusion of love and joy releasing and eradicating the fears and anxieties that have burdened us for so long. See our heart centers anchoring Universal Love and Light into all the people of earth. See the global family finally soaring to its perfect spiritual state of joy and happiness.
You are asked to Activate the Sun's Light Within You on Feb. 14th for the global heart of humanity. The perfect time will be whenever you feel called upon to link up with us. That is the time known as the zenith hour. We will hold you in our hearts that day as we celebrate the return of the Children of the Sun as the Spiritual Sun is ignited.
11 AM - 5 PM
$275 includes oils used.
Everyone who chooses will have and give a hands-on raindrop technique essential oil application.
WHAT TO BRING: 2 SHEETS (will get oil on them) 3 LARGE TOWELS ROBE PURE WATER NAIL CLIPPER (must have short clipped nails with no polish to give an essential oil application) Massage Table if you have portable one |
The Raindrop Technique is a method of using Vita Flex, reflexology, massage techniques, etc., and essential oils applied on various locations of the body to bring it structural and electrical alignment. It is designed to bring balance to the body with its relaxing and mild application. It will help align the energy centers of the body and release them if blocked, without using hard pressure or trying to force the body to change, which should never be done.
This training at Covered Bridge focuses on the energy for healers and light workers and Reiki practitioners. Emphasis is on personal use, or integrating it into your professional practice, personal care and healing, or to use with family and friends in healing circles.
Each of the steps will be explained and demonstrated.
Variations will be discussed as appropriate.
Raindrop technique is also effective in animal healing. We will touch upon animal application in this class as time allows.
Pat will share how she uses Reiki and spiritual healing integrated with Raindrop techniques and spiritual guidance.
Pat has trained for over 200 hours directly with Gary Young, the founder and originator of the Raindrop Technique. She has taught the Raindrop Technique at hospitals, massage schools, and private classes throughout the world.
She also maintained an extensive spiritual raindrop healing practice for many years.
You will have an opportunity to purchase these therapeutic grade essential oils at wholesale and/or set up a wholesale account.
*NY Maternity Center, NY NY.
*New Hope. South Fallsburg, NY
*Phoenix House & other rehab programs. NY, NY.
*Post Graduate Center For Mental Health, NY CIty.
*Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
*Graduate Faculty, New School for Social Research, NY City.
*Brookdale Fellowship in Aging, CUNY, NY NY.
*Summa Cum Laude, CUNY, NY NY.
Radio Talk Show Guest. NBC, NY, internet radio shows.
New book release & free guided audio meditation on forgiveness at