Thursday, December 02, 2010

Holistic Saturday Mini Health Expo, Free Yoga Class, Wellness Experts, Healthy Shopping. South Fallsburg, New York Dec 4

 You Are Invited 
Holistic Saturday
Health Day
December 4, 2010
Sat Nam Yoga Spa
SAT NAM YOGA SPA & INN | 333 Mount Cliff Road, Hurleyville, NY 12747 (Directions) | Tel: 845-866-3063 |
Hurleyville, NY 12747

Dear  Friends,

I have the honor to invite You to a very Special, Free, Annual Event

at Sat Nam Yoga Spa in Hurleyville, NY 12747

Here is a wonderful opportunity to do your holiday shopping with local healers and spas - getting health promoting gifts for yourself and yours, while supporting our local holistic community.

Incredible Speakers and Presenters….our own local, fabulous and even famous Healers.

Featured speakers include Pat Crosby on angelic guides and communication, Rosa Lee of the Erehworn Retreat Center plus several holistic spa owners and nutritional experts.

+ Free consultations with Nutritionist, Massage Therapist.
+ Free Yoga Class - Begins at noon  RSVP 845-866-3063
Arrive 11:45 AM

+ Massage and Facials Demo
+ Gift Certificates for Sale for Massages, Yoga  +Classes, Healing Sessions, Facials…etc.
+ Not to mention local Artwork, Jewelry 
+ Alpaca items from Peru
+ Essential Oils
+ CDs and Books

Vegetarian Lunch served at 1:30 (optional, Cost $10)
RSVP for lunch, please 845-866-3063

Come and stay as long as you can….seating limited, please reserve your spot and lunch.

Come and Celebrate Wellness with all of us,  like-minded people.

Please look at the attached flyer for more detail  info.

Thank you,
Sat Nam Yoga Spa

Tel: 845-866-3063

Pat Crosby

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