Thursday, November 03, 2011

Preparing for 2012 - And 11:11:11 What is 2012? How Get Ready?

LISTEN - WATCH this message
Same audio file – 3 different versions – choose your preference

Audio video on Youtube

Audio Only – with Music

Audio Only – NO music background

Dear Spiritual Friend,

We are on the threshold of a very important and very powerful time. A time long predicted in the ancient as well as modern prophecies about the timelines unfolding on our beloved planet earth at this time.

11-11-11 is heralded as a great breakthrough - a long-awaited breakthrough.

What does this mean?

We are all familiar with the fact that our earth and fellow planets revolve around a star we call our Sun.

We note how our position in the great movement around the sun affects everything about our lives - whether it is the daily change from dark night to sunny day, or whether it is the longer cycles of the changing seasons - from spring to fall, summer to winter.

All of these changes make vast changes on our human behavior and thinking patterns. For instance on a hot sunny day, we tend to eat light foods, and wear much lighter clothing.

On an overcast wintry day full of blizzards and intense weather, we tend to eat heartier foods, and wear many protective layers of clothing - all over our bodies, from feet to hair on our head.

Our conversations more often than not include noting the current weather - as this weather is an underpinning to how we will live out our live on any given day.

If it is pouring rain, we might decide to cancel a planned outing to the beach.  If it is blazing hot sunny, we might decide to stay inside and sip cooling drinks - waiting for the heat to pass.

Weather effects how and even IF we can travel – as anyone stranded on a jet on the runway during a blizzard can well attest.

Just as our planet earth revolves around our sun - with its many consequences for us, so our whole solar system revolves around another star. Mystery schools call this star Alycon - or The Great Central Sun. Space agencies such as NASA call it Galactic Center - there are solar systems that revolve around it.

The cycles of time are of quite different length if we measure our journey around Alycon.  "Alcyone" (pronounced "el-sigh-uh-nee")

(Wikipedia adds: In Greek mythology, Alcyone (pronounced 'alkioni') was a demi-goddess who turned into the halcyon bird)

Our earth year is approximately 365 days – and measures one complete circuit around our sun.

Our solar system takes MANY earth years to revolve around our Central Sun Alycone.

Just as there are seasons on the earth, there are "seasons" in our larger journey around our Central Sun.

These seasons have been measured and charted by ancient astronomers from several cultures.  The Mayan Calendar, as well as the Vedic calendar of ancient India have mapped out these giant time cycles. (Giant in relation to our perspective, of course - tiny compared to other cosmic vantage points – or beyond measure in other dimensions.)

And just as the seasonal climate changes effect most, if not all, of how we live each day on our planet earth, these larger seasons effect so much more about our daily lives.

11:11:11 is a marker date when there are amazing galactic alignments and openings that will usher in new energies. These new energies are being used to heal and uplift us all. Metaphysical and spiritual groups all around the planet - who are attuned to these energies - are gathering to amplify the infusion of these energies, and intend and pray that all of humanity can be opened to the healing, restorative influence of these beneficial energies.

We know how much we welcome the coming of the spring season after a long harsh winter. Similarly, we are welcoming the beginning of the galactic cycle of “energetic spring” now, to refresh, restore, and regenerate us after a very long harsh dark cold time on planet earth.


Think of a tiny acorn - lying on a sidewalk. You will hardly notice it. It seems highly inconsequential.  Yet if you come back in 50 or 100 years, there will be a new giant oak tree there - where before there was just space.  So it is with the energetic seeds being planted now by spiritual farmers.

We are in the springtime of energizing cycles, as it were, where we are planting seeds of intention which will sprout, grow, and bear fruit in future parts of the cycle.

That is why so many groups are gathering to clear the decks of older patterns - such as a gardener clears all the old growth at the end of the growing season - preparing and making room for the next year's planting.

The season of planting seeds - the seeds of intention - now for what we want to grow, bloom, and produce fruit for the next cycle that is upon us now.


Those who have been keeping track of these cycles and reporting on the galactic seasons and "weather" ahead, have given us many insights and ideas to prepare for the upcoming spiritual planting and growing season.

Here are some tools to assist you

We’ve prepared this little audio as a primer to get your oriented.

This informative audio of explanation, breathing, setting intentions... celebrating the gift of the opening of  11:11:11 is prepared so that  you can use it beginning now  to attune and align yourself with the new planetary energies that are continuing to come onto our planet leading up to the heralded 12:21:12 date. That date is a marker date by some calendar configurations, but the energetic changes are already well underway, and will continue well past that specific date.  

Overall, these changes sweeping our planet are known in spiritual circles as The Great Shift in Consciousness - and many spiritual writers and channels have commented extensively on this subject, how to align with it, and what it all means.

We suggest you make a small Offering for this service on the donation button at

Of course, the figure of $11:11 comes to mind - but you can offer whatever you wish.

When you offer, you open the circuits of giving and receiving more generously. It is also a well-known spiritual law that the more you give, the more you receive.

LISTEN - WATCH this message
Same audio file – 3 different versions – choose your preference

Audio video on Youtube

Audio Only – with Music

Audio Only – NO music background

Your Envisioning: WHAT would YOU like to create -- for yourself, your loved ones, your community, our planet, the galaxy? Frame your requests for the highest good of all.

If you like, ASK The Angels of ForGIVEness for release and forgive any old patterns, hurts, negative memories that surface at any time -- either as you are listening now -- or anytime you are going about your daily activities and memories come to mind.

Use this meditation as often as you like to clear old energy patterns and make room for new ones of higher frequency. Up to 50 times a day is beneficial - though set your own easy and relaxed pace.

WHAT do you wish to create for yourselves?
Envisioning your Destiny - what do you want to create for yourself, your family, your community, the world, the solar system, the galaxy, the cosmos.

Take a few moments now, or after this meditation to journal your wishes. Be sure to frame them for the Highest Good of All, and allow divine consciousness and wisdom to permeate your desires to raise them to the highest possible frequency at this time for you and your loved ones.

Then just ALLOW the cosmic forces to rearrange the light particles to be of service to your highly-intentioned requests of service and divine enlightenment.

You can find the links referred to in this audio as well as other support tools and information at

I hold You in the Creator’s Light.



Portal Empowerment in Catskill Mountains, New York State

11:11:11 Gatherings - are being held all around the planet in various spiritual power spots. Also in homes. And through audio and web programs.  Many are meditating quietly by themselves and holding the vision and intention to draw in and anchor these new energies into the earth energetic grids of light - such as the Crystalline Grid.

We gather together on this opening onto times of higher frequency waves of loving light merging into and onto our planet - in this time called 11:11:11 - the opening and connection to higher galactic forces of wisdom, knowledge, love, and enlightenment for the highest good of all.

There will be a live channeling of the beings on this portal on what is important for our individual and collective journey at this time.

Ours is in the Catskill Mountains of NY State in Delaware County - on a sacred mountain with a high frequency platinum and gold light particle portal.  There are also blue ray and violet ray portals on this mountain. We will go into the portals, learn the revealed history of the platinum-gold portal of planetary service, and receive an initiation and frequency infusion of the energies in this portal.

                             There is very limited room for this gathering - so please
RSVP ASAP if you are drawn to this workshop gathering.

We will have a guided meditation guided by the Cosmic Council of Light - which includes Archangel Michael, Reshel (the feminine aspect of Metatron that sees that all is created in love), the Elohim Angels of ForGIVEness (who help us erase old mis-creations and install higher operational templates).

We will have a channeled 11:11:11 Invocation of the Rays from the Platinum, Bronze, Amethyst, Silver, Gold and Diamond Core God Cell Rays connecting us with the Cosmic Galactic Portal of the Lake Titicaca and the various groups around the planet doing ceremony and connecting with the planetary grids of higher consciousness.

Through our intention, we will BREATHE these rays into a global distribution of divine service and enlightenment for our planet in a collective offering of service to all of humanity and Mother Earth.

There will be guided meditation with time for you to journal your individual messages and insights.

There will be an Intentional Circle where we plant the seeds that we want to see grow in the next cycle.  This is like gardeners starting their seeds indoors - before the weather is conducive to planting them outside in the garden.

We will CELEBRATE  the turning of the ages by sharing a pot luck meal and refreshments. Please bring organic vegetarian goodies (dairy and egg OK). Put your love into the food to raise it to the highest possible vibration for our group evolution.

Offering $77.77

To Register and Information

Call  845-434-3829 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            845-434-3829      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. Leave message if machine picks up. 

Video and channeling from previous workshop held in Virginia



We’ve spent the last year preparing a special chakra opening, clearing and empowering home-study course. It is now online for you to download as an e-program.

Here are some short and simple and powerful support tools that you can freely turn to again and again as you need do during these and coming times of the Great Shift in Consciousness.

If you would like help clearing and empowering your chakras (energy centers)

Access the e-course at Lulu

and at Scribd

This chakra clearing and empowerment e-course is offered for special 11:11:11 pricing  - reduced from the full price.
If you cannot afford the suggested offering, please email to set up a donation, or work out a trade.
Proceeds from offerings are used to promote forgiveness and sustain our web costs.

We’ve put this up as a special price of $111.10, of course, in keeping with the spirit of the times.  As with most of our offerings, you are welcome to make a donation for this course if you are short of funds and will receive the course by special email rather than downloading it directly from the website.

If you are drawn to access the course this way, just use the donation button at and put a note on the donation page as to what you would like to receive. We also ask you to pay it forward by putting out the message of availability of these support tools to others in any way you can – rather it is word of mouth, email, blogs, social media – however you share information.

I hold you in the Creator’s Light.
Pat Crosby

Individual Spiritual Guidance Sessions

A few slots currently available now through Nov 30, 2011. These include clearings and guidance of your issues as channeled by Archangel Michael and the Cosmic Council of Light and your guides. They work at a soul contract and soul mission level – helping you clear issues and karmic entanglements that arise in each session.

Sessions are approximately 2 hours long, and include an MP3 audio of your session.
Also included is a preliminary conversation before the session - usually by phone, but sometimes by email, where we discuss how the session will work, what you want to work on, and an invitation to the guides to come into your arena and begin to help you clear and raise your vibration for the times ahead.

$275 per session.

Free audio download of The little ForGIVEness Meditation + more audios and clearing stories at

More Info about the importance of 11:11:11

Children of the Sun

Drunvalo Mechizidek

Lakota Chief Indigenous Prophecies

Hopi Prophecy

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